Want To Learn About William B. Choi?

I’m a high-growth entrepreneur, leader, and relentless pursuer of innovation.
However, that’s just the half of it.

I’m William B. Choi. What Good Is A Life Full of Innovation, Travel, and Amazing People If You Can’t Share It? With That In Mind, I’ve Created This Blog To Share My Thoughts

I regularly post content on other channels, including my consultancy website, YouTube channel, current business such as Posture AI, and charitable endeavors.

I am a co-founder of Posture AI, a wearable technology platform designed to help athletes and just about anyone correct their posture and improve productivity and performance. I have founded several companies and have been recognized for their success. This includes CB Williams Business Advisors Group, a consultancy aimed at helping businesses such as start-ups, companies in distress, and firms that want to expand on a global scale.

You will find on this blog my personal views on a variety of topics, including:

  • Leadership
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Team Building
  • High-Growth Startups
  • Technology and AI Innovations
  • and, of course, Aquariums

My Aim is to Inspire, Educate, and Motivate​

I hold a firm belief that both personal and professional growth can only come from a willingness to continually learn, along with a desire to give to others continuously. While I’m always looking to grow as an individual, sharing in the growth of others is a strong motivator that has allowed me to reach new heights.

While the articles I post may not be groundbreaking or revolutionary, I do hope that you get some measure of inspiration that will help you move forward in your endeavors. I strive to post on this blog regularly, but due to an often hectic schedule, I may post less frequently than I’d like.

Need Some Inspiration In Your Life?

Along with the articles on this blog, I’m always looking to help others in any way possible. Should you need help professionally, feel free to contact me at my consultancy. However, if you are ever looking for some inspiration or if you have questions about the content on this blog, don’t hesitate to reach out.